Why it is important to Change the way we Shop?


The global movement Fashion Revolution burst onto the scene in 2013 as a response to the devastation that shocked the fashion industry when a factory in Bangladesh, the Rana Plaza building, collapsed. Within the walls of this building were five garment manufacturers all making clothing for successful international brands. This disaster killed 1,138 people with a further 2,500 seriously injured.

Since then people all around the world have come together to ‘use the power of fashion to change the world’. Fashion Revolution

With over 100 countries involved, the collective aim is to raising awareness to ensure that people and the planet are respected and treated fairly within this industry. The way clothes are MADE, SOURCED and CONSUMED needs to change if we are to ensure that fashion helps to save the world. Rather than it being the second most polluting industry worldwide, second to oil, effecting our biodiversity, contributing towards carbon footprint, endangering habitats, adding to the ever growing landfills around the world, polluting waterways and oceans and exploiting people.

This may all be new to you so to help you start your own Fashion Revolution journey we have listed five conscious consumer habits to consider:

  1. Research before you buy

    • Take the time to research products you are thinking of buying. Alike the way in which we have had to getting accustomed to ‘bring our bags’to the supermarket, researching product before we buy needs to be practiced to become a new way of life. This way we can find out more about how this product was made, the fabrications, where it was made and from there we can make our own judgement on how this would effect people and the planet before we buy.

  2. Mend your clothes

    • Sure not everyone can sew, but don’t let this put you off mending your gorgeous clothes. If you are not confident yourself about threading a needle then research to find out where an alteration shop is locally to you. Don’t forget to check the local papers and community notice boards for local small businesses and tailors that work from home that could help give your clothes a new lease of life.

  3. Shop pre-loved and charity stores

    • Every high street these days will have a pre-loved clothing store or charity store. When shopping second hand make sure you have an idea of what you are looking for and don’t rush as there are many gems to be found.

  4. Swap your clothes with your friends

    • Next time you are due for a girls night out why don’t you all bring 5 items of clothing or accessories with you that you no longer feel suits your wardrobe or you simply don’t want anymore. This way you are sharing your wardrobe and ensuring that your clothes fall into the hands of someone you know will wear and care for them for another few years. This also means you can pick up something new without having to pay anything while at the same time avoiding buying fast fashion! Win Win!!

  5. Ask your favourite brands who made their clothes

    • We all have our favourite fashion stores that are our go to brands. By simply asking your these brands #whomademyclothes you are drawing their attention to the Fashion Revolution movement and the changes they need to implement into their business. By asking our brands this question it will mean they too will have to raise their game in assuring to their customers that they have to be more transparent and in turn work in a more ethical and sustainable way.

Please also take the time to find your local Fashion Revolution on line! Together we can demand change, support slow fashion and start to clean up the mess!

Why it is important to Change the way we Shop?

River Blue


The Ethical Collab Pop Up